Day 5: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 - Introductory Python, Part 1

Put aside your anxieties over the command-line for now. We’re going to do a crash course in the fundamentals of Python and programming in general.

Before starting, make sure you have Anaconda <> installed on your machine:

Make absolutely sure you’re installing the Anaconda 3 version. Not Anaconda 2. Once it’s done installing, open up your Terminal/command-line and run python with --version. You should see something like this:

$ python --version
Python 3.5.2 :: Anaconda custom (x86_64)

The important thing to see is Python 3.5.2 :: Anaconda. Please contact me if you have any issues; this is not something to fix via random Internet advice posts.

Readings and Concepts for Thursday

Automate the Boring Stuff With Python is our official textbook. You could read it back to front if you want. But for this first week, I’ve picked selected chapters from “Automate” and other online guides I like. We’re not learning everything about Python, just the parts needed to do certain projects and tasks.

The following sections detail the main concepts that I want you to be familiar with, and the relevant readings.

Getting around Python

This topic is a bit tricky. In fact, it’s the topic where you will find the least help, as it pertains to our setup. For example, the Automate book’s Introduction does describe the Interactive Shell. But then it talks about installing IDLE, which we aren’t using.

There are two main things you need to know, and they are two things you did at the Bash command-line:

How to start the Python interactive shell

At your command-line, type ipython. Now you are in Python land, and everything you type is expected to be Python code. So, echo 'Hello world' doesn’t work, because it’s a Bash command. But print('hello world') will.

Early on, you’ll accidentally write Bash commands into the ipython shell, and Python code in your system command-line. But you’ll quickly learn the difference, as the ipython shell is very colorful:


Be actively introspective

As the weeks go on, get into the habit of finding things for yourself. It’s not that I mind telling you what to think. But the actual work of interactively inspecting your own code is a good way to practice Python, even just the mechanics of moving around a script or the interactive console.

Getting into the mentality of, “I don’t know what is going on and that bothers me”, is essential to being a confident programmer. And it’s kind of the point of being a reporter, so...

Don’t know what an object is? Use the type() function to find out:

>>> import requests
>>> resp = requests.get('')
>>> type(resp)

And, as always, Tab or Die. Tab works in the Python shell as it does in the Bash shell: type a partial name of a variable or object to auto-complete it. Don’t remember all of the dot-methods attached to a string object? Hit Tab to bring up the entire menu:


The ipython shell (not regular python) comes with a few magic methods that work only in the ipython shell. The help() function will bring up the documentation for any given object:

>>> x = 'hello'
>>> help(x.upper)
Additional readings

Data types

Unlike the Bash command-line, where everything byte is to be sorted and filtered as raw text. This isn’t the case in Python; we can specify both 42 as an integer, and '42' as a string. What’s the difference? All strings in Python have to be wrapped in quotes.

Second, integers and strings just aren’t the same, just as sorting numerical characters as numbers is different than when using the command-line’s sort without the -n flag.

Make sure you know the results of the following expressions:

>>> 2 + 3

>>> '2' + '3'

>>> '2' + 3

Additional readings

Strings and numbers are just two of Python types. But honestly, we’ll be using strings far more than numbers:

  • Text as String Objects (specifically, the first two sections describe the string object and operations)
  • Python Documentation on Data Types - This reference contains far more detail than you need at this point. But just in case you’re curious about what the other datatypes could be.


Variables are labels for data objects. During the lifetime of a program, it becomes cumbersome to keep typing the literal value on which we need to operate. So assign it to a variable and let the rest of the program interact with the variable:

x = 1.5
y = 6.7
z = x / y

print("The ultimate ratio is", z)


Python is noted as an object-oriented-language, and that “almost everything is an object”...aaaand that’s about the only time you’ll hear me explicitly mention the concept of “object-oriented programming” during this course.

But there is one aspect of object-oriented programming that we will frequently use: objects have a dot-operator, and we use that to bring up the object type’s specific methods.

Sorry, can’t think of a less jargony way of stating things.

Basically, an object of string type, such as "hello", has methods specific to producing a transformed version of the string. For example:

>>> x = 'hello'
>>> y = x.upper()
>>> print(x, y)
hello HELLO

Methods will seem very much like functions. But there is one key difference: methods belong to their object. Another way to put it, does the integer 9 have its own upper() method? Think about how irrelevant/confusing that would be. Objects of different types have different methods. Don’t be shy about hitting the Tab key to see the methods and attributes of a given method.

Additional readings


Variables, as simple as they seem, are absolutely fundamental to doing programming. I like to think of functions as an extension of the concept of variables: instead of representing a single value, a function represents an entire block of code.

This is a monumental concept. And it brings with it additional complexities. Start with something simple so that you at least understand the basic structure and the indentation of the code that is to be executed:

def hi():
    print('hello world!')

And then prove to yourself what the return keyword does:

And take note of how functions can accept arguments, and how these argument variables fit into the function body:

def hey(x):
    return 'hello ' + y.upper()

Additional reading

To be continued

That’s a lot of concepts to cover. Just make sure know enough about Python to copy-paste the following code into interactive Python and test each piece out:

import requests
url = ''
response = requests.get(url)
text = response.text
