Earthquake Mapper

Due date: 1:00 PM, 2017-02-07

Points: 20

Write a program that “creates” a world map showing the 5 biggest earthquakes (in terms of magnitude) in the last month.

By “create”, I mean, leverages the Google Static Maps API to create a specially-formatted URL that leads to an image file created on Google’s servers. In other words, your program is a easy-to-use “wrapper” for the kind of confusing API from Google.

As we’ve used in past examples, USGS maintains several real-time feeds of earthquake activity:

For this exercise, I want you to use my copy of the “Significant Earthquakes - Past 30 Days”, which can be found at this URL:

When I run your program from the command-line, like this:

$ python 5

It should produce a URL to an image that shows the 5 largest earthquakes by magnitude on a Google map URL:


Send an email to me with this subject: compciv-2017::your_sunet_id::quake-mapper

It should contain a single attachment named

Your program will read this cached copy of USGS earthquake data:

The program should sort the data by magnitude.

The program should have a command-line interface in which the user provides a single argument: the number of earthquakes to map.

Relevant readings

Using Requests to prepare a URL

One of the main concepts of this exercise is writing a program that “wraps” complicated details in an easy interface. The most complicated detail here is taking a list of location strings (e.g. “Stanford, University”, or, a list of longitude/latitudes) and creating a URL just the way Google Maps wants it.

We’ll be using an advanced feature in the Requests library – if you want to see more technical detail, you can see the documentation here:

Or you could read my convoluted guide on all the ways there are to properly format a URL string:

But this is all you need to grok:

import requests
my_request = requests.PreparedRequest()
my_params = {'name': 'dan', 'status': 'awesome', 'foo': [1, 2, 3]}
my_request.prepare_url(BASIC_URL, my_params)

the_url = my_request.url

Basically, we delegate all of the work of making a parameterized URL to the Requests library. We aren’t using Requests to download from a URL, but to prepare a URL string that we can use later.

About the Google Static Maps API

Here’s an example of the API in action:

The URL above, according to Google’s specifications, will lead to an image file of a map that is 600 pixels wide by 400 pixels high.

Here’s what that image URL looks like when embedded on a webpage:

If I want to change the zoom, I specify the zoom parameter in the URL:

We usually don’t care just to see a map of the world. We want to see where things are on a map of the world, i.e. placemarks.

The API defines a markers parameter, which, in its simplest form, looks like this if we want to mark Stanford University:,CA

And what if we want two placemarks? Such as Stanford and, say, the Mountain View In-N-Out-Burger?,CA&markers=In-N-Out+Burger+Mountain+View+CA

That markers parameter also takes longitude and latitude pairs. If you look in the sample `usgs_quakes_significant_month.csv datafile <>`_


About the URL specification

URLs are just text, of course. Why do the above invocations work as they do? Because that’s the way Google defined it. But all URLs have a specification they must follow – a mini-syntax if you will. This syntax defines ?, &, = to be special characters. And certain characters, such as whitespace, are not allowed (though most modern browsers are forgiving).

In the “In-N-Out Burger Mountain View CA” example, you’ll notice in the URL that it’s written as:


The bottom line is that there are a lot of rules for what a URL needs to look like, and that’s on top of Google’s API rules. So that’s why we’re writing a “wrapper” program to abstract all the details away.

In one sense, it’s just fancy string formatting, i.e. substituting values into a known URL pattern. But don’t do that – the URL specification is too complex for a simple find and replace.

Writing a program with a command-line interface

Lots of ways to do this, I’m just going to introduce you to the most straightforward way.

Create a test script named with this code:

from sys import argv

if __name__ == '__main__':
    arg0 = argv[0]
    print("Hello world, the 0th argument is:", arg0)

Running it from the command-line:

$ python

Should produce this output:

Hello world, the 0th argument is:

Now change the script to this:

from sys import argv

if __name__ == '__main__':
    arg0 = argv[0]
    arg1 = argv[1]
    print("Hello world, the 0th argument is:", arg0)
    print("And the first argument is:", arg1)

Now running this will produce an error:

$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 5, in <module>
    arg1 = argv[1]
IndexError: list index out of range

But pass in an argument, like so:

$ python 5

And you get this:

Hello world, the 0th argument is:
And the first argument is: 5

Congrats, you’ve made the kind of primitive command-line program that will work for this assignment. Keep in mind, though, that arguments are read in as string values...i.e. that 5 is not really a 5, but a "5".

Don’t worry about what that __name__ == '__main__' thing is, that’s just a convention in Python that we just learn to follow. Everything in that conditional block is executed when the script is run from the command-line.

Getting started

You can start with this skeleton script:

import requests
import csv
from sys import argv

MAP_SIZE = '800x400'

def make_map_url(markers):
    # do something with markers and BASE_MAP_URL
    # ...
    # ...

    # and return a URL as a string.
    # the following is just a placeholder
    return ''

def fetch_quake_data():
    resp = requests.get(DATA_URL)
    return 'something'

def sort_quakes(records, numlimit):
    """ records should be a list of deserialized quake objects
        numlimit is how many top-quakes-by-magnitude should be returned
    return [] # obviously this is just a placeholder

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(argv) < 2:
        print("You must supply an argument specifying number of quakes to map")
        numquakes = argv[1] # remember that this is just a string...

        print('hello user, you want this many quakes:', numquakes)
        # get the quake data
        # sort it
        quakes = []  # dummy code; replace with real code
        url = make_map_url(quakes)


import requests
import csv
from sys import argv


MAP_SIZE = '800x400'

def make_map_url(locations):
    assume locations is a list of dicts, with 'latitude' and 'longitude'
    myparams = {}
    myparams['size'] =  MAP_SIZE
    myparams['markers'] = []
    for loc in locations:
        marker = loc['latitude'] + ',' + loc['longitude']

    pre_req = requests.PreparedRequest()
    pre_req.prepare_url(BASE_MAP_URL, myparams)

    return pre_req.url

def fetch_quake_data():
    resp = requests.get(DATA_URL)
    lines = resp.text.splitlines()
    return list(csv.DictReader(lines))

def sortfoo(q):
    return float(q['mag'])

def sort_quakes(records, numlimit):
    """ records should be a list of deserialized quake objects
        numlimit is how many top-quakes-by-magnitude should be returned
    sortedrecs = sorted(records, key=sortfoo, reverse=True)

    return sortedrecs[0:numlimit]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(argv) < 2:
        print("You must supply an argument specifying number of quakes to map")
        numquakes = argv[1] # remember that this is just a string...
        numquakes = int(numquakes)
        print('Hello user, you want this many quakes:', numquakes)
        # get the quake data
        quakes = fetch_quake_data()
        thequakes = sort_quakes(quakes, numquakes)
        url = make_map_url(thequakes)